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Unit 6 Reflection Assignment

Unit 6 Reflection Assignment

Q Instructions 1. Select one of the problem prompts included in the Problem Prompts . 2. Then, select one of the problem-solving frameworks you learned about in this unit. 3. Use the framework to “think through” all aspects of the problem. You will probably want to take notes as you think through the problem. 4. Report your conclusions and findings by summarizing the problem you selected, how you applied the framework, and what you learned about the problem itself and about problem-solving in general. 5. Your assignment should be around 750 words and include information on which prompt you selected, which framework you selected, your conclusion, and how that framework informed your decision. Due Date • Sunday, 11:59pm, CT Rubric LE100 Unit 6 Application of Problem Solving Frameworks Rubric LE100 Unit 6 Application of Problem Solving Frameworks Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompletion Did the student participate in the activity as assigned? Did the student fulfill all parameters of the assignment? 10 to >0.0 pts Full Completion Student fulfilled all assigned elements of the activity. 0 pts No Completion Student did not complete the activity. 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAcademic Habits of Mind: Problem Solving Did the student explore one of the assigned problem solving frameworks? 20 to >18.0 pts Outstanding Student demonstrates a thorough understanding of the selected problem solving framework. 18 to >14.0 pts Developing Student demonstrates a developing understanding of the selected problem solving framework. 14 to >0 pts Needs Improvement Student has not demonstrated understanding of the selected problem solving framework. 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflection Did the student reflect on the problem solving framework? 20 to >18.0 pts Outstanding Student reflects on the use of the problem solving framework and sets goals for using the framework in the future. 18 to >14.0 pts Developing Student reflects on the use of the problem solving framework. 14 to >0 pts Needs Improvement Student has not reflected on the problem solving framework. 20 pts Total Points: 50 PreviousNext

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1. What’s my present situation? o Identify the problem or difficulty: The problem is my car won’t start and I must be at class in 1.5hrs. o Determine “What exists?” (not “Whose fault is it?”): It’s 7:30am, my car won’t start, I must be at school by 9:00am, and I can’t miss class because this oral presentation I must present today is 25% of my grade. 2. How would I like my situation to be? o Specify your goal (desired outcome): My goal is to get to school by 9:00am so I can present my oral presentation.